How to print with multiple colors with a single extruder
You can now use the Simplify3D Variable Settings Wizard to Split your .STL file into multiple processes.
- Simplify3D Version 4 or greater
- Text editor (for the purposes of this article we will be using Visual Studio Code, its free.)
- The scripts from "Manually Pausing An Active Print" need to have been added to OctoPrint.
Getting Started
The variable settings wizard in Simplify3D will let you create set points to create separate processes for a single 3D model.
Step 1:
Upload your .STL file into Simplify3D.
Click on the Tool menu and select the Variable Settings Wizard.
Step 2:
Using the slider, adjust where you want to split the model. Once you have it in the desired location, select click the "Add Location" button and then "Split Process".
Step 3:
Once you have edited your processes, select "Prepare to Print".
You will want to select all on the processes and then print sequentially.
Step 4:
Once you are at the print preview screen, select "Save to Disk".
Step 5:
Open up your saved file in your text editor. Most text editors will have a "Find" feature. Using the find, search for the word "process". Now go to where is says "Process 1-2".
Step 6:
Directly after Process1-2 add the following:
M25; pauses print
This will home your X and Y axis and then pause the print.
Step 7:
When you run your print it will pause and move the extruder to a safe location at the end of the first process. Once this happens, you can unload the current spool of filament and load the filament you want to change to.
Then, click the resume print button in OctoPrint and it will continue the print with the new filament.